2020 Photography as Art - Camera Club
Friday, March 6 at 5 pm. - Opening Reception
Boca Grande Art Center
236 Banyan St., Boca Grande
The show continues Saturday, March 7 and Sunday,
March 8 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information
call (941) 964-1700.
Annual Strawberry Festival
Saturday March 7, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Boca Grande Community Center grounds
131 First St. W, Boca Grande
The annual United Methodist Women’s Strawberry
Festival, one of Boca Grande’s most popular community
events, draws hundreds of bargain seekers and
lovers of homemade strawberry shortcake each year.
All proceeds support programs to improve the lives of
women and children locally and internationally through
worldwide mission programs. Contact the Boca
Grande United Methodist Church for information at
(941) 964-2479.
JF Library Foundation Spring Book Sale
Johann Fust Community Library
1040 W 10th St., Boca Grande
• Monday, March 9, from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
• Tuesday, March 10, from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
• Wednesday, March 11, from 9:30 a.m. to noon
Come to the Spring Book Sale at the Johann Fust
Community Library, presented by the Johann Fust
Library Foundation. Hundreds of almost-new and
used hardback and paperback books, DVDs, CDs and
rare books. Come get your supply of summer reading
material. For more information call (941) 964-0211.
Coffee with a Scientist
Tuesday, March 10 at 9 a.m.
Woman’s Club Room
Boca Grande Community Center
131 First St. W, Boca Grande
Join Speaker Dr. Erinn Muller, Science Director of
Mote’s Elizabeth Moore International Center for Coral
Reef Research & Restoration for a discussion on corals.
Dr. Muller’s goal is to determine how coral health
and disease change under climate change and ocean
acidifi cation conditions. Dr. Moore will be available for
casual conversation and Q&A. This free event is open
to the public.
RPP Presents: Nunsense (The Mega Musical)
Tuesday, March10 through Sunday, March 15
Show times are 7 p.m. except Sunday, which is 5 p.m.
Boca Grande Community Center Auditorium
131 First St. W, Boca Grande
Nunsense is a hilarious spoof about the misadventures
of fi ve nuns trying to manage a fundraiser. Sadly,
the rest of the sisterhood dies from botulism after
eating vichyssoise prepared by Sister Julia, Child of God.
Thus, the remaining nuns - Sister Leo, Sister Robert
Anne, Sister Mary Amnesia, the Mother Superior Sister
Regina and mistress of the novices Sister Mary Hubert
- stage a talent show to raise the money to bury their
dearly departed. Featuring tap dancing and comic
surprises, this show has become an international
phenomenon. Tickets are $50. Call the Royal Palm
Players offi ce at (941) 964-2670 for tickets.
Spaghetti Dinner
Sunday, March 15 from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Louise du Pont Crowninshield Community House
240 Banyan St., Boca Grande
It’s time to gather the family and head out to one
of the island’s fabulous spaghetti dinners. For just $10
you can get all the spaghetti you care to eat, as well as
side dishes and desserts. All proceeds assist in
providing scholarships for secondary education for
island children. For information call (941) 964-0400.
Free Outdoor Concert Series:
Boca Grande Irish Fest!
Monday, March 16 from 4 to 8 p.m.
Boca Grande Community Center grounds
131 First St. W, Boca Grande
Join us for Boca Grande’s fi rst Irish and Celtic
festival, a little taste of culture “On the Green” at the
Community Center. Enjoy Celtic music, traditional food,
dance demonstrations and whiskey tasting.
Performances by Blue Skye Pipes and Drums, showcasing
bagpipes, drums, Celtic harp and guitar, along with a
rich variety of vocals and highland dancing, and by Emily
Ann Thompson, who will perform traditional Irish,
Scottish and Canadian fi ddle tunes, sing in English and
Irish Gaelic, and clog while fi ddling. Headlining the
festival is West of Galway, providing a mixture of vocals,
guitar, fi ddle, bodhran, whistles, concertina and even
This is a free family event open to all community
members. BYOB, snacks, and a lawn chair or blanket.
For information call the Friends of the Boca Grande
Community Center’s offi ce at (941) 964-0827.
106 GASPARILLA MAGAZINE March/April 2020