Riprap, which consists of various sizes of
concrete will be generated by the removal of
portions of the existing sidewalk and seawall cap.
Riprap helps to fortify the wall and also enhances
habitat by providing nooks and crannies for fi sh
and other sea life. Like the reef balls, the rough
surface of the riprap also provides substrate for
oysters. Placed in groupings along with the reef
balls and riprap RCPs will be installed vertically and
fi lled with soil that will create planters for
As the mangroves grow the prop roots will
extend over the tops of the RCP, eventually
covering them and the seawall. Red mangroves
are extremely important to the marine ecosystem
as they enhance the fi shery’s habitat within their
roots. Mangroves also create roosting and nesting
habitat for birds.
There is one section along the southern side
of the existing canal where the seawall will be
completely removed and a living shoreline will
be created. A living shoreline, completely void of
a concrete seawall, can stabilize a shoreline that
experiences low-energy wave action. One of the
sections of seawall that will remain completely is
the one that protects the Causeway entrance to
Boca Grande. This section will be not only maintained
but also reinforced with riprap, reef balls
and clusters of RCP’s planted with mangroves.
In the GICIA’s effort to take the Cove
project beyond just a shoreline stabilization project
and make it a true restoration, several unique
and interesting design elements have been
incorporated. One of these will be the creation
of a tidal creek that will help to fl ush the water
from the far eastern portion of the existing canal.
The newly-formed connection from the basin to
the bay will help to fl ush the tidal waters of the
cove, which will help to improve water quality in
the entire system. The creek will also add a visually
appealing dynamic to the site.
The second element was proposed by Mote
Fisheries’ Biologist Dr. Locascio. He suggested the
idea of trying to create an area within the basin
that would mimic a coastal tidal pond. These
mangrove-lined tidal areas found along Florida’s
coasts are often utilized by juvenile snook and
When tarpon hatch, they swim with the help
of winds and tides into protected, shallow areas.
Sometimes these areas are only accessible by
unusually high tides or during fl ooding storm
events. In either case, the juvenile fi sh lives, eats and
grows with little to no predatory threat until it is
large enough or another unusual high water event
Working together, Hans and Dr. Locascio were
able to develop specifi cations for an area within
the basin that will be shallow around the outside,
and slightly deeper in the middle. The shallower
edges of the area will be planted with mangroves,
and the entrance designed to only be accessible
on higher than usual tides. The idea of successfully
creating an area that will be important to the
survival of locally important sport fi sh is extremely
exciting especially since ponds like this are
disappearing all along our coast due to
The last phase of the Mercabo Cove
Restoration will include the placement of clean fi ll
into the basin area. By lowering the water level the
GICIA hopes to establish an area that will support