There are numerous top-notch opportunities around our
area to take part in, whether you’re an experienced
sailor or have never stepped foot on a sailboat.
Let’s explore just a few …
- Captiva Island, FL
Steve and Doris Colgate are the
owners of the distinguished Colgate’s
Offshore Sailing School on Sanibel Island,
recognized as the number one sailing
school in America.
The Colgate’s story is one of true love
along with a shared passion for sailing.
Doris was working in the advertising
department for Yachting Magazine in
New York when she took a “Learn to
Sail” course in the summer of 1967. She
had never stepped aboard a sailboat
before the class, and described her initial
experience learning to sail as “amazing.”
She was in awe of the fact that she was
able to make a boat move without a
“I was in control – it was very
empowering,” she said.
She recalls many of her colleagues
would come in on Monday mornings
tanned, smiling and exhilarated, all
because of sailing.
“I wanted to take a course because my
coworkers looked so happy and content,”
she said. “It wasn’t just the fact that they
enjoyed their job, it was because they
were able to sail every weekend. They
had the ability to get away from it all and
be out on the water - and I wanted that
in my life. So I asked where I could learn
and that’s how I found out about Steve’s