Photo by Michael J. Colarusso
Average July high
85.3°F (29.6°C)
Average July low
65.9°F (18.8°C)
Average January
high temperature:
40°F (4.4°C)
Average January
low temperature:
22.4°F (-5.3°C)
that the beach is a year-round destination that offers something
for everyone—charming and distinctive downtowns, sophisticated
shopping ranging from antiques and boutiques to lifestyle and outlet
centers, eclectic dining, exciting nightlife and world-class entertainment,
boating and fishing and award-winning parks for hiking, biking, ice
skating, sledding and just plain having fun.
Monmouth County offers 27 miles of ocean beaches and 26 miles of
bay beaches, as well as numerous hiking, biking and forest-bathing
opportunities. The total area of the county is about 665 square miles,
nearly 200 of which are water. Most of the region is flat and low-lying-
-the lowest point is at sea level--but the northern part of the county is
punctuated with elevated lookout points over the water offering views of
the spectacular New York skyline and rolling hills up to 390 feet high.
Whether it’s warm or cool, you’ll find lots of gloriously sunny days
throughout the year at the Jersey Shore. Most outdoor events continue
rain or shine so bring plenty of sunblock and an umbrella. Locals know
that the ocean puts on a spectacular show when the weather is stormy,
so find a beachfront restaurant or other dry spot and enjoy the view.