InfoAge’s mission is to preserve, educate and honor scientific
innovation to inspire new generations of thinkers, dreamers
and visionaries.
InfoAge works to inspire and encourage young people’s
interest in science, technology, engineering and math
(STEM). Check out the InfoAge Space Exploration Center
(ISEC), where you can visit the home of radio astronomy,
bounce your voice off the moon, track a pulsar, see artifacts
that went to the moon and back, move the 60’ TIROS dish,
see an original Vanguard satellite and travel through space
and time with Project Diana, TIROS and SCORE.
InfoAge is on the campus of Camp Evans, a former US
Army military installation and a Top Secret Research and
Development Center of Information and Communications
Technology. Since 2006, InfoAge has been developed as
a group of museums that educate children and families in
the technologies of today, some of which were developed
at Camp Evans. The site was declared a National Historic
Landmark for its contributions to the Allied victory in World
War II and New Jersey’s World War II Living Memorial.
InfoAge is “New Jersey’s Mini-Smithsonian.”
InfoAge Science & History Museums
There’s something for everyone at InfoAge
Almost three acres of museums (11) and historical exhibits (5) including
military vehicles, model trains, computers, Black History at Camp Evans,
NJ 911 Remembrance, electronic warfare, maritime,
military radar and communications, WWII battle dioramas,
space exploration, and radio and television.
Open Saturdays, Sundays & Wednesdays 1 to 5pm.
Special arrangements for schools, groups and organizations.
InfoAge, 2201 Marconi Road, Wall, New Jersey 07719
732-280-3000 • •