1. Told of Incarnation 2. Angels
adore Infant 3. Gives Name to Jesus
4. Adoration by wise men 5. Prophecy
of salvation 6. Return to Nazareth
7. Jesus found in temple
O GLORIOUS St. Joseph, appointed by
the Eternal Father as the guardian and
protector of the Life of Jesus Christ,
the comfort and support of His Holy
Mother and the instrument in His great
design for the Redemption of mankind;
thou who hadst the happiness of
living with Jesus and Mary, and of
dying in their arms; be moved with
the confidence we place in thee and
procure for us from the Almighty, the
particular favors which we humbly
ask through thine intercession. (Here
ask the favors you wish to obtain.)
Pray for us, then, O great Saint Joseph,
and by thy love for Jesus and Mary,
and by their love for thee, obtain for
us the supreme happiness of living
and dying in the love of Jesus and
Mary. Amen.
O BLESSED ST. JOSEPH, tender-hearted
Father, faithful guardian of Jesus, chaste
spouse of the Mother of God, I pray
and beseech thee to offer to God the
Father, His Divine Son, bathed in Blood
on the Cross for sinners, and through
the thrice Holy Name of Jesus, obtain
for us, from the Eternal Father, the
favor we implore... Amen.
O JOSEPH, foster Father of Jesus, most
pure spouse of the Virgin Mary, pray
for us daily to the Son of God so that,
armed with the might of His Grace and
loyally fighting the good fight here on
earth, we may be crowned by Him at
the hour of our death. Amen.
(100 days indul.)
We beseech Thee, therefore, help Thy
servants, whom Thou hast redeemed
with Thy Precious Blood. (3 times)
(300 days indul. each time)
(Melody of Ave Maria of Lourdes)
HAIL JESUS, we pray Thee! O SAVIOR so good,
Assist us, Thy servants, redeemed by
Thy Blood,
That Faith and Hope, with Love all divine,
May make our hearts more truly like Thine.
O MARY, Our MOTHER, conceived without stain,
Benign Mediatrix in sorrow and pain,
Through thy pure Heart, we offer our praise,
O lead us on in His Heart’s meek ways.
and friend of
Christ’s Heart,
Of Whose mystic
Body, kind
Guardian thou art,
May we abide, in His Heart beloved
As branch and vine,
through His Precious Blood.