By the love in life you bore them,
By the tears in death shed o’er them;
By their words and looks in dying,
Hear their plaintive voices crying:
“Have pity, you at least,
my friends!”
The Church calls this Act “HEROIC.” Few acts
of our lives deserve to be called HEROIC. We
cannot afford to throw away this opportunity
to make an “HEROIC ACT of LOVE.” Make it for
the Love of God.
DEAR LORD, for the Love of Thy Precious Blood, I wish
to make an heroic offering of all the good works I do
in life, in satisfaction for the temporal punishment
due to my many sins, and of all the prayers offered up for me after death, in
favor of those souls whom Our Blessed Mother wishes to deliver from the pains
of Purgatory. Amen.
Enable me, O my God, to return Thee thanks as I ought for all Thine inestimable
blessings and favors. Thou hast thought of me, and loved me from all eternity;
Thou hast formed me out of nothing; Thou hast delivered up Thy beloved Son to
the ignominious death of the Cross for my redemption; Thou hast made me a
member of Thy holy Church; Thou hast preserved me from falling into the abyss
of eternal misery, when my sins had provoked Thee to punish me; and Thou hast
graciously continued to spare me, even though I have not ceased to offend Thee.
What return, O my God, can I make for Thine innumerable blessings, and
particularly for the favors of this day? O all ye Angels and Saints, unite with me
in praising the God of mercies, Who is so bountiful to so unworthy a creature.
Ask of God, light to discover the sins committed this day.
O my God, Sovereign Judge of men, Who desirest not the death of a sinner, but
that he should be converted and saved, enlighten my mind that I may know the
sins which I have this day committed in thought, word or deed, and give me the
grace of true contrition.
An Act of Contrition
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins,
because of Thy just punishments, but most of all because they offend Thee, my
God, Who art all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the
help of Thy Grace, to sin no more and to avoid the near occasions of sin.