† Perfect Contrition immediately
washes away even mortal sin but, in
such a case, it is necessary to go to
Confession before Holy Communion.
Hence, there is no reason for ever
remaining in sin - a condition
which leads to habits of sinning.
† Teach the Act of Perfect Contrition
to non-Catholics, especially to one
in danger of death. Form the habit
of making it yourself. It can save
your soul at death if no priest is
near for the last Sacraments.
Preparing to “RECEIVE”
Question: What about my “favorite”
Communion Prayers?
Answer: These other “preparation”
prayers should not be recited during
Mass, but before Mass begins.
Question: Why are the Mass Prayers
the best way for preparing to “receive”?
1. Because the official Mass Prayers,
such as the priest himself recites,
prepare us to “give” ourselves with
Jesus to the Father – and then
“receive” the gift of Jesus from the
2. Because these Mass Prayers contain
within themselves all the “acts” of
this or that “virtue” necessary to
receive worthily.
Ques tion:
What “Acts before Communion”
are contained in the Mass Prayers?
Answer: The Mass Prayers include:
The Act of Contrition:
from the beginning to Kyrie;
Act of Faith:
from the Prayer to Creed;
Act of Hope:
from the Offertory to “Our Father”
that the gift of ourselves when
united with Jesus will be
“received” by the Father.
Act of Love:
awaiting the Gift of Love in
holy union with God.
Act of Gratitude and
a plea for perseverance:
to the end of Holy Mass.
Recite before COMMUNION,
and not during Mass.
MOTHER MARY, thou who prepared
the first resting-place for God on
earth, who prepared the manger for
Him on Christmas night and your own
pure heart again and again to receive
Him in Holy Communion, prepare
mine for Him, now. Make haste, dear
Mother, for the time is short. Would
that I had the heart and love for God
and neighbor with which thou didst
communicate. Give me this morning,
thy Jesus, as thou didst give Him to
the shepherds and the kings.
I receive Him from thy most pure
hands. Tell Him, I am thy baptized child
and His confirmed soldier, thus He will
look upon me with a more Loving Eye
and, when He comes, He will press me
more closely to His Sacred Heart. Amen.