I trust in thee, being confident that,
since thou art the Mother of my
Redeemer, thou wilt also be the Mother
of my salvation. If thou, O Mary, wilt
not send me a ray of the Divine Sun,
what light will enlighten me? Who
will direct me if thou refusest, who art
the Mother of the uncreated Wisdom?
Listen, then, to my humble prayers.
Let me not be lost in my uncertainty
and instability; lead me along the
straight road that ends in life everlasting,
thou who art my only hope, and whose
hands are full of the riches of virtue
and of life, and who dispensest the
fruits of honor and holiness.
(300 days Ind. once a day)
to Priesthood and Religious State
The modern urge for riches, comfort
and pleasure is preventing many young
men and women from consecrating
their lives to the service of Christ
and the salvation of souls. To some
who may be hesitating and in need
of your prayers, Jesus says: “Why
do you stand here all day idle? Go
you also into the vineyard.”
O GOD, Who dost not desire the death
of a sinner, but rather that he be converted
and live, grant we beseech Thee,
through the intercession of Blessed
Mary, ever Virgin, and of all the Saints,
an increase of laborers for Thy Church,
who, cooperating with Christ, may give
themselves for the salvation of souls,
through the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son,
Our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with
Thee in the union of the Holy Ghost
world without end. Amen.
(7 years and 280 days indul.)
MARY, Queen of the Clergy, obtain
for us a great number of holy priests.
(300 days indul. each time)
O LORD, bless Thy Church with holy
Priests and fervent Religious.
(300 days indl. each time)
“Do you not know that your bodies
are members of Christ? ... (and) the
temple of the Holy Spirit ... You
have been bought at a great price.
Glorify God and bear Him in your
body” (1 Cor. 6: 15, 19, 20).
“I exhort you, brethren ... to present
your bodies as a sacrifice, living, holy,
pleasing to God - your spiritual
service” (Romans 12, 1).
O MY GOD, Thou Who hast given me
a body to keep pure and clean, and
healthy for Thy service and my
eternal happiness, forgive me for
all my unfaithfulness in this great
responsibility. Forgive me for every
mean use which I have made of Thy
gifts in thought, word or deed since
my rebirth as Thine own adopted
child in Baptism and my registration
as a soldier of Jesus on the day of my
Create in me a clean
heart, O God, and give
me a steadfast will that
I may be a strength to
others around me. Teach
me to reverence my body
and the bodies of my
fellow creatures. Help me
to see the glory of perfect
manhood in Jesus Christ
and of perfect womanhood in Mary
Immaculate. Inspire me with such love
for the ideals for which our Savior lived
and died, that all my passions and
energies will be caught up into the
enthusiasm of His service and evil
things will lose their power. May my
body be the servant of my soul, and
may both body and soul be Thy servants,
through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.