Lord, I am now in affliction. My soul
is ill at ease, for I am much troubled
with this present suffering. Let it please
Thee, Lord, to deliver me for, poor wretch
that I am, what can I do without Thee?
Thy mighty Hand can do all things.
Give me patience, O Lord, and strength
and peace. Help me, my God, and I will
not fear, no matter how grievously I
may be afflicted. Lord, “Thy Will be
done!” Welcome be the Will of God!
“Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my
trust in Thee.” (300 days indul.)
true Man, God of Sanctity, God of
Majesty, God Everlasting, have pity on
us and on the whole human race. Now
and always, purify us from our sins and
infirmities with Thy Precious Blood so
that we may be able to live in Thy holy
peace and charity, now and forever.
STUDENTS! Pray ...
to Sanctify and Increase Study
Praying to Jesus as Teacher, and to
Mary as Mother of true education,
assures success in daily study,
at examination time and on the
Commencement Day of Eternity.
“When I look at Jesus and Mary,” said
St. Edmund, “my understanding
receives more light and my bodily
eyes are kept from tiring.”
To JESUS: O merciful God, grant me
the grace that I may eagerly desire all
that is pleasing to Thee, examine it
carefully, acknowledge it truthfully,
and fulfill it perfectly to the praise
and glory of Thy Name. Amen.
(300 days indul.)
O Lord, preserve to us the Faith.
(300 days indl.)
To MARY: O dearest Mother, by thine
Immaculate Conception, I wish to place
all my studies under thy direction, and
I declare that I chiefly study in order
to spread greater glory to God and
devotion to thee. Therefore, I beseech
thee, most loving Mother, Seat of Wisdom,
to assist my work and I promise to
give the proper thanks for any success
I obtain, to thine intercession with God.
Amen. (100 days Ind.)
Our Lady of Good Studies, pray
for us! (100 days Ind.)
Pray fervently to make the right choice
of your future life. On it, depends the
happiness of your own soul and other
souls in this life and for all eternity.
BEHOLD ME at thy feet, O Virgin most
kind, seeking to obtain through thee
the most important grace of knowing
what I ought to do. I desire nothing
but to comply perfectly with the Will
of thy Divine Son at every moment of
my life. Mother of Good Counsel, let
me hear thy voice. It will dispel every
doubt that troubles my mind.