IN EVERY need, let me come to Thee
with humble trust, saying, Jesus, help
In all my doubts, perplexities and
temptations, Jesus, help me!
In hours of loneliness, weariness and
trials, Jesus, help me!
In the failure of my plans and hopes;
in disappointments, troubles and
sorrows, Jesus, help me!
When others fail me and Thy Grace
alone can assist me, Jesus, help me!
When I throw myself on Thy tender
Love as a Father and Savior, Jesus,
help me!
When my heart is cast down by failure,
at seeing no good come from my
efforts, Jesus, help me!
When I feel impatient, and my cross
irritates me, Jesus, help me!
When I am ill, and my head and
hands cannot work and I am lonely,
Jesus, help me!
Always, always, in spite of weakness,
falls and shortcomings of every kind,
Jesus, help me and never forsake
(Composed by an English Bishop
during his last illness)
LORD, we ask for more than Thy Mercy!
We desire Thee to reign over us. Thine
interests must be ours. By the Love of
Thy Sacred Heart, which surpasses all
knowledge, we beg Thee, O Jesus, to
fulfill in our time, the promises made
to St. Margaret Mary. In union with
Holy Church, through the intercession
of Thy Virgin Mother, for the honor of
Thy Holy Name, JESUS, we ask Thee
to hasten and establish the reign of
Thy Divine Heart, here and now.
TRIUMPH by the reign of Thy Sacred
Heart! Hasten Thy reign, O Jesus,
before Satan and the world snatch
more souls from Thee and corrupt
every state of life.
TRIUMPH by the reign of Thy Sacred
Heart! Come, O Jesus, and gain the
victory of Thy Love in every home!
Reign there by Thy Peace, promised
to all who have joyfully received Thee
into their homes.
TRIUMPH by the reign of Thy Sacred
Heart! Do not delay, Beloved Jesus, for
many homes are suffering bitter evils
which Thou alone canst heal.
TRIUMPH by the reign of Thy Sacred
Heart! Come, because Thou art strong;
because Thou art the God of life’s
battles! In Thy Pierced and Wounded
Side is Thy Pledge to us and our hope
of Heaven at the hour of death.
TRIUMPH by the reign of Thy Sacred
Heart! Good Master, what of the numberless
lukewarm and indifferent souls?
Hasten to enlighten them in devotion
to Thy Loving Heart.
TRIUMPH by the reign of Thy Sacred
Heart! Give to priests who love Thee,
and who preach Thy Love, the power
of eloquence to draw souls to Thy