Abel. Through the same Jesus Christ,
Thy Son, Our Lord, who liveth and
reigneth with Thee in the union of the
Holy Ghost, God,
P world without end. R Amen.
P The Lord be with
you. R And with
thy spirit.
P Lift up your
R We have them
lifted up to the Lord.
P Let us give
thanks to the Lord
Our God.
R It is meet and
IT IS MEET INDEED and just, right and
helpful unto salvation, always and
everywhere to give thanks to Thee,
holy Lord, Father almighty, eternal
God, who didst establish the salvation
of mankind in the wood of the Cross,
that whence death came into the world,
thence a new life might spring, and
that he who by a tree overcame, by a tree
might be overthrown. Through Christ
Our Lord: through whom the angels
praise, the dominations adore, the
powers, trembling with awe, worship
Thy majesty, which the heavens, and
the forces of heaven, together with the
blessed Seraphim joyfully do magnify.
And, do Thou command that it be
permitted to our lowliness to join
with them in confessing Thee and
unceasingly to repeat:
Bell rings thrice Kneel
HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, Lord God of hosts!
Heaven and earth are filled with Thy
glory. Hosanna in the highest! Blessed
is He Who comes in the name of the
Lord. Hosanna in the highest!
Priest bows low;
asks God to accept offerings
Clergy and All Believers
THEREFORE, most gracious Father,
we humbly beg of Thee and entreat
Thee, through Jesus Christ, Thy Son,
Our Lord (priest kisses Altar), to deem
acceptable and bless these gifts,
these offerings, these holy and
unspotted oblations, which we offer
unto Thee in first instance for Thy
holy and Catholic Church, that .Thou
wouldst deign to give her peace and
protection, to unite and guide her the
whole world over; together with Thy
servant N., our Pope, and N., our bishop,
and all true believers, who cherish the
Catholic and Apostolic Faith.
Friends and Parishioners
BE MINDFUL, O Lord, of Thy servants
and handmaids (priest pauses and
silently includes certain names and
intentions) and of all here present,
whose faith is known to Thee, and likewise
their devotion, on whose behalf,
we offer unto Thee, or who themselves
offer unto Thee, this sacrifice of praise
for themselves and all their own, for
the good of their souls, for their hope
of salvation and deliverance from all
harm, and who pay Thee the homage
which they owe Thee, eternal God,
living and true.
Invoking the Saints
All the Saints
IN THE UNITY of holy fellowship, we
observe the memory first of the glorious
and ever Virgin Mary, Mother of Our
Lord and God, Jesus Christ; next that