Jesus, Mary, Joseph
My Triple Prayer
Most extraordinary graces have
been received through the use of
this prayer, which in one cry of
confidence, directly and immediately
calls upon Father, Son, Holy Ghost;
and Jesus, Mary, Joseph!
O Eternal FATHER, for the love of the
Eternal Son, and for the love of the
Eternal Holy Ghost, grant my request!
O Eternal SON, for the love of the
Eternal Father, and for the love of the
Eternal Holy Ghost, grant my request!
O Eternal HOLY GHOST, for the love
of the Eternal Father and for the love
of the Eternal Son, grant my request!
O my Crucified JESUS, for the love of
the ever adorable Trinity, and for the
love of Mary and Joseph, grant my
O MARY, my Mother, for the love of
the ever adorable Trinity, and for the
love of Jesus and Joseph, obtain my
O Holy ST. JOSEPH, for the love of the
ever adorable Trinity, and for the love
of Jesus and Mary, obtain my request!
Heart of Jesus, I adore Thee,
Heart of Mary, I implore thee,
Heart of Joseph, meek and just,
In these three Hearts, I place my trust!
O HOLY SPIRIT, make me faithful in
every thought, and grant that I may
always listen to Thy Voice, and watch
for Thy Light, and follow Thy gracious
Inspirations. I cling to Thee, and give
myself to Thee, and ask Thee by Thy
Compassion to watch over me in my
weakness. Holding the Pierced Feet
of Jesus, looking at His Five Wounds,
trusting in His Precious Blood, adoring
His opened Side and stricken Heart,
I implore Thee, O Adorable Spirit,
helper of my infirmity, to keep me in
Thy Grace, now and always. Amen.
LORD, I know not what to ask; I merely
present myself to Thee. Thou seest my
miseries. Thou lovest me. Supply my
needs according to Thy Mercy. I adore,
without seeking to understand, Thy Holy
Will. I resign myself to Thee, entirely
and absolutely. I have no other desire
but to do what Thou dost wish me to
do. Teach me to pray, O Jesus! Pray
within me, Thyself. Amen.