Mary, pierced anew, sees wells of His
Redeeming Blood dug in His Hands
and Feet. O Mary, in His Wounds
help me renew my Baptismal Vows
and with those nails bind me to
Jesus forever!
XII. Jesus Dies, His All To Give
“By Thy Death,
teach me to live.”
Jesus, Mary, Joseph,
help me walk this
“Living Way.”
Mary, overwhelmed, sees Jesus die,
His Bleeding Wounds pleading for me.
O Mary, place one drop of that
Redeeming Blood on my sinful soul.
XIII. Mary, As You Take Your Son
“Take me, too,
when life is done.”
Jesus, Mary, Joseph,
help me walk this
“Living Way.”
Mary, mourning, receives her dead
Jesus from the altar of the Cross. O
Mary, help me to receive the living
Christ from the Altar of the Mass
with something of your reverence
and love.
XIV. Buried Christ Who Died For Me
“May I rest
at last in Thee.”
Jesus, Mary, Joseph,
help me walk this
“Living Way.”
Mary, now desolate, buries in death
the Son to whom She once gave birth.
O Mary, renew thy motherhood
over me now and at the hour of my
death. Amen.
1. Circumcised 2. Agony
3. Scourged 4. Thorn-crowned
5. Carries Cross 6. Crucified
7. Heart pierced
LORD, Thou bearest me written in Thy
Hands in letters of indelible red, which
are Thy most Holy Wounds and, to
inspire me with confidence, Thou gently
sayest, “I have written thee in My
Hands with the marks of My most
Holy Wounds.”
Therefore, will I ever say to Thee,
“Read, Lord Jesus, read that handwriting
and save me through Thy
Precious Blood.”
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, I have asked
Thee for many favors, but I plead for
this one. Take it, place it in Thine
open, broken Heart and, when the
Eternal Father sees it covered with the
mantle of Thy most Precious Blood,
He will not refuse it if, in His infinite
and farseeing Wisdom, He sees it is
best for my spiritual and temporal
welfare. It is not alone my prayer, but