He drinks from and dries the chalice,
then veils it. Going to the Epistle
side, he recites the following:
CHRIST was offered once to take away
the sins of many; the second time, He
will appear with no part in sin to those
who wait for Him, unto salvation.
Priest returns to middle,
faces people, says:
P The Lord be with you.
R And with thy spirit.
Goes to Epistle side
P Let us pray.
WE WHO have been suffered to
approach Thy holy table, O Lord,
have drawn waters with joy from the
fountains of the Savior; grant, we
beseech Thee, that His Blood be to us a
fountain of water springing up unto
life everlasting. Who liveth and reigneth
with Thee in the union of the Holy
Ghost, God, world without end.
R Amen.
Priest returns to middle of Altar,
faces people and says:
P The Lord be with you.
R And with thy spirit.
P Go, you are sent forth.
R Thanks be to God.
In Mass for Dead “Go, you are sent
forth,” is replaced by P May they
rest in peace. R Amen.
Priest turns to Altar, bows, says:
MAY the tribute of my worship be
pleasing to Thee, most holy Trinity, and
grant that the Sacrifice which I, all
unworthy, have offered in the presence
of Thy majesty, may be acceptable to
Thee and, through Thy mercy, obtain
forgiveness for me and all for whom
I have offered it. Through Christ Our
Lord. Amen. Kneel
Priest turns to people to impart.
MAY God almighty bless you: The
Father, the Son , and the Holy Ghost.
R Amen.
Priest goes to Gospel side for
P The Lord be with you.
R And with thy spirit.
Priest makes Sign of Cross on
the Altar, also on his forehead,
lips and heart.
P The beginning of the holy Gospel
according to St. John. R Glory be to
Thee, O Lord.
IN THE BEGINNING was the Word, and
the Word was with God; and the Word
was God. He was in the beginning with
God. All things were made through Him,
and, without Him, was made nothing
that has been made. In Him was life,
and the life was the light of men. And