O JESUS, when dawns the day which
shall be my last, come to me as my
Divine Friend. Come to me as my Host
for the last time on earth so that, having
begun every day of my life on earth with
Thee, I may also begin the day of eternity
that shall never end with Thee. Amen.
In going to the Altar rail and
returning to your place, keep your
hands joined; your eyes cast down,
your thoughts on Jesus Christ.
As you receive, hold your head up,
keep your eyes closed, your mouth
well open, your tongue, not curling,
but straight out.
JESUS, His Body and Blood, remains
within you at least 15 minutes -
a time for communing with Him:
First, by continuing the Mass
Prayers with the Priest; Second, by
reciting slowly some of the following
prayers after Mass.
Prayer Before a CRUCIFIX
Recite after Mass
O GOOD and sweetest
Jesus, before Thy Face, I
humbly kneel and, with
the greatest fervor of
spirit, I pray and beseech
Thee to fix deep in my
heart lively sentiments
of faith, hope and charity, true sorrow
for my sins and a firm purpose of
amendment, whilst I consider Thy five
most Precious Wounds, having before
my eyes, the words of David, Thy
Prophet, concerning Thee, my Jesus:
“They have pierced My Hands and
My Feet; they have numbered all
My Bones.”
for Holy Father’s intentions,
to gain a plenary indulgence
after Communion)
O MOST HOLY GOD, I adore Thee,
through the Adorable Sacrament of the
Altar, and I offer Thee, through the
holy hands of the Immaculate Virgin
Mary, all the consecrated Hosts on
our Altars as a sacrifice of expiation,
reparation and atonement for all the
sacrileges, profanations, impieties,
blasphemies, and crimes committed
against Thee throughout the universe.
(300 days indul.)
O GOOD JESUS, in gratitude for Thy
many Graces, and in sorrow for many
abuses of these Graces, I wish at this
moment, both for myself, ever ungrateful,
and for the world, ever criminal,
to make an Act of Solemn Reparation.
Listen then, O merciful Savior of our
souls; listen to these Acts of Faith, to
these expressions of sorrow:
For the irreverence we have committed
in the House of God ...
† I wish to make reparation.
For our careless and distracted
attendance at Sunday Mass ... †
For our lack of preparation before and
our poor thanksgiving after Holy
Communion ... †
For our failure to cooperate with Thy
daily Graces ... †
For our sins of pride, sensuality and
of our entire life ... †