Appeal To
Divine Promises
O JE SUS , Who hast said,
“Ask, and it shall be given
you; seek, and you shall
find; knock, and it shall be
opened to you,” with Mary,
Thy Most Holy Mother, and
through the merits of Thy
Most Precious Blood, I seek,
I knock and I ask that my
prayers may be heard.
Glory be to the Father, ...
O JESUS, Who hast said, “All that you
will ask the Father in My Name, He
will give you,” with Mary, Thy Most
Holy Mother, and through the merits
of Thy Most Precious Blood, I humbly
and earnestly ask that my prayers may
be heard.
Glory be to the Father, ...
ETERNAL FATHER, I offer Thee the Most
Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, the
merits, love and sufferings of His
Sacred Heart, the tears and sorrows of
Our Immaculate Mother, as the price
of the favor I wish to obtain if it is for
Thy glory and my salvation. Amen.
Honoring Her Seven Sorrows:
1. Simeon’s prophecy
2. Flight to Egypt 3. Jesus lost
4. Way to Calvary 5. Jesus dies
6. Descent from Cross
7. Jesus buried
HAIL, MARY, full of sorrows, the
Crucified is with thee; tearful art thou
amongst women, and tearful is the
fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary,
Mother of the Crucified, give tears to
us, crucifiers of thy Son, now and at
the hour of our death. Amen.
MARY, Mother of Sorrows,
I beseech thee, by the
bitter agony thou didst
endure at the foot of the
Cross, offer to the Eternal
Father, in my name, thy
Beloved Son, Jesus, all
covered with Blood and
Wounds, in satisfaction for
my sins, for the needs of
Holy Church, the conversion
of sinners, the relief
of the Souls in Purgatory,
and for the special grace
I now implore. Amen.
(Mention your request.)
O MARY IMMACULATE, Lily of Purity,
I congratulate thee because, from the
very first instant of thy Conception,
thou wast filled with grace. I thank and
adore the Most Holy Trinity for having
imparted to thee favors so sublime. O
Mary, full of grace, help me to share,
even though just a little, in the fullness
of grace so wonderfully bestowed on
thee in thine Immaculate Conception.
With lively confidence in thy neverfailing
intercession, we beseech thee
to obtain for us the intentions of this
Novena, (mention them) and also
that purity of mind, heart and body
necessary to unite us with God. Amen.
May thy special aid be
granted to those who wear
thy Medal ... May it be their
strength in combat and
their all-powerful shield
against their enemies... May it bring
consolation to those who weep, solace
to the afflicted... May it, at the hour of
death, be the pledge of a
glorious eternity... Amen. O
Mary, conceived without sin,
pray for us who have recourse
to thee.