“That all may be one, even as Thou,
Father, in Me and I in Thee; that
they also may be one in Us, that the
world may believe that Thou hast
sent Me” (John 17:21).
“I say to thee, thou art Peter, and upon
this rock, I will build My Church
(Matt. 16:18).
O LORD JESUS CHRIST, Who didst say
to Thine Apostles: “Peace I leave with
you; My Peace I give to you,” regard
not our sins, but the Faith of Thy Church,
and grant unto Her that peace and
unity which are agreeable to Thy Will,
Who livest and reignest, God forever
and ever. Amen.
Did Jesus die for me only? To preserve
my faith, I must propagate
it. Until I pray or give alms to the
missions, I am not worthy of the
name of Christian.
O MERCIFUL JESUS, Savior of mankind,
Who hast commissioned Thine
Apostles and their successors to preach
the Gospel to every creature, bless the
work of the apostolic men and women
who labor in the home and foreign
missions to save souls redeemed by
Thy Precious Blood.
To Our LADY,
(for loyalty to Holy Mother Church)
MARY, Immaculate Virgin, Mother of
God and Our Mother, thou seest how
the Catholic Faith is assailed by the
devil and the world, that Faith in which
we purpose by the help of God, to live
and die. To thee, we entrust our firm
purpose of never joining assemblies of
heretics. Do thou, all holy, offer to thy
Divine Son, our resolutions, and obtain
from Him the graces necessary for us
to keep them unto the end. Amen.
Mary, Help of Christians, pray for us.
(100 days indul. once a day)
O MERCIFUL JESUS, Who didst have
compassion on the multitude, look
down upon us in the depths of that
spiritual depression, which is the root
of all our temporal misery. Behold the
wide-spread envy and discontent in
private and public life because men
seek not first Thy Kingdom and Justice.
Give to us, we beseech Thee, and to our
elected leaders the wisdom and strength
to do Thy Holy Will in keeping respect
for the dignity of labor by a decent
living wage; in protecting family life
from divorce and sins against nature;
in upholding religious and political
liberty; in restoring Thee to our schools
of learning. To whom shall we go, if not