My QUEEN! My Mother! I give thee all myself and, to show my devotion to thee,
I consecrate to thee this day, my eyes, ears, mouth, heart, my entire self .
Wherefore, O good Mother, since I am thine own, keep me, defend me, as thy
property and possession. (100 days indul.)
O HEART OF JESUS, behold us prostrate
before Thee, to adore Thee, to praise
Thee, to thank Thee, to make reparation
for our past faults, and to consecrate
ourselves to Thy Love.
Bearing in mind Thy magnificent
Promises to those who honor and
love Thy Sacred Heart, we say to Thee
with the utmost confidence:
1) Heart of Jesus, give us all the graces
necessary for our state in life.
† Thou hast promised it, O Jesus!
2) Heart of Jesus, grant peace to our
families. †
3) Heart of Jesus, console us in all
our sorrows. †
4) Heart of Jesus, be our safe Refuge
during life, and above all at the
hour of our death. †
5) Heart of Jesus, pour abundant
blessings on all our labors. †
6) Heart of Jesus, be for sinners the
Source and Infinite Ocean of Mercy.†
7) Heart of Jesus, make indifferent
souls fervent. †
8) Heart of Jesus, make fervent souls
advance rapidly to perfection. †
9) Heart of Jesus, bless the houses
where Thine Image is exposed and
honored. †
10) Heart of Jesus, give to priests the
power of touching the most hard-
ened hearts. †
11) Heart of Jesus, engrave on Thy Heart
forever the names of those who
propagate this devotion. †
12) Heart of Jesus, give those who
grace of final repentance, that they
may not die under Thy displeasure,
but, strengthened by the reception
of the Sacraments, may Thy Heart
be their secure refuge at their last
hour. †
which, in the infinite Mercy of Thy
Divine Heart, Thou didst make to
St. Margaret Mary. Be the PROTECTOR
of our life; the STRENGTH of our
weakness; the REPAIRER of our faults;
the COMPLETION of our virtues; our
REFUGE at the hour of our death.