present life on earth, that we may
enjoy its fruit in Heaven forevermore.
Through the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son,
Our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with
Thee in the union of the Holy Ghost,
God world without end. (R) Amen.
EPISTLE: (1 Cor. 11: 23-27)
(From Feast of Corpus Christi)
BRETHREN: I myself have received
from the Lord (what I also delivered
to you), that the Lord Jesus, on the
night in which He was betrayed, took
bread, and giving thanks broke, and
said: “Take and eat. This is My Body
which shall be given up for you; do
this in remembrance of Me.” In like
manner, also the cup, after He had
supped, saying, “This cup is the new
covenant in My Blood; do this as often
as you drink it, in remembrance
of Me. For as often as you shall eat
this Bread and drink the cup, you
proclaim the death of the Lord, until
He comes.” Therefore, whoever eats
this Bread or drinks the cup of the Lord
unworthily, will be guilty of the Body
and the Blood of the Lord.
R Thanks be to God.
GRADUAL: (1 John 5:6-8)
THIS IS HE Who came in water and in
blood, Jesus Christ; not in the water
only, but in the water and in the blood.
There are three that bear witness in
Heaven: the Father, the Word, and the
Holy Spirit; and these three are One.
And there are three that bear witness
on earth: the Spirit, and the water, and
the blood; and these three are One.
Alleluia, Alleluia! If we receive the
testimony of men, the testimony of
God is greater. Alleluia!
Priest returns to middle of Altar
and recites following while Altar
boy carries missal to Gospel side:
CLEANSE MY HEART and my lips, O
Almighty God, who didst cleanse the lips
of the prophet Isaias with a burning
coal; deign of Thy gracious mercy,
so to purify me that I may worthily
proclaim Thy holy Gospel. Through
Christ Our Lord. Amen.
† Lord, grant Thy blessing. The Lord
be in my heart and on my lips, that I
may worthily and fittingly proclaim
His holy Gospel. Amen.
Priest goes to Gospel side
GOSPEL: (John 19, 30-35)
P The Lord be with
you. R And with thy
The continuation of
the holy Gospel according to St. John.
R Glory be to Thee, O Lord.
AT THAT TIME when Jesus had taken
the wine, He said, “It is consummated!”
And bowing His Head, He gave up His
Spirit. The Jews, therefore, since it was
the Preparation Day, in order that the
bodies might not remain upon the
cross on the Sabbath (for that Sabbath
was a solemn day), besought Pilate that
their legs might be broken, and that they
might be taken away. The soldiers
therefore came and broke the legs of
the first, and of the other, who had been
crucified with Him. But when they
came to Jesus, and saw that He was
already dead, they did not break His
legs; but one of the soldiers opened His
side with a lance, and immediately
there came out blood and water. And
he who saw it has borne witness and
his witness is true.
R Praise be to Thee, O Christ.
Priest kisses the sacred page, prays:
P By the words of the holy Gospel
may our sins be blotted out.