“If anyone wishes to come after Me,
let him take up his cross daily.”
(Luke 9: 23)
† The Way of the Cross is not finished.
Along Calvary Road we all come;
He beckons the Pope, His representative,
your Bishop, priests and
nuns close to Him and us ... all
† Old age stoops along with piled-up
burdens, then parish priests point
the way to employer, laborers. Christ
looks down the line to the fallen
one ... “Take courage, do not be afraid.”
(Matt. 14: 27)
† Youth comes along ... never will cross
seem so light ... mother follows
sorrowfully, her little girl sees the
world as a big, happy playground ...
but her cross, a paralyzed limb,
begins to weigh her down.
† All cross-bearers ... the shadow of
New York’s giant sky-line falls over
the scene. In what spirit do I carry
my cross? It will be lighter if I
follow the Leader.
“Come, take possession of the
Kingdom prep ared for you.”
(Matt. 25: 34)
† It is easy to picture “Today’s Living
Way of the Cross.” It is visible all
around us. But how paint the now
invisible Heaven! Eye has not seen
nor ear heard what things God
has prepared.” (1 Cor. 2: 9)
† “And death shall be no more; neither
shall there be pain anymore” (Apoc. 21:4).
Behold, we exchange cross of suffering
for palm of victory: Pope, as a
spiritual father, at the rear, making
sure of his children’s entry - the
little child first.
† All enter through Christ’s Church,
symbolized by dome of St. Peter’s
Basilica - all receive the “crown
of justice, which the Lord will give
to those who love His coming.”
( 2 Tim. 4: 8)
† “We see now in an obscure manner, but
then face to Face” (1 Cor. 13: 12) ...
faith yielding to Vision ... love being
perfected in Union with God. Do
I now live by hope?
(Paintings - each 100 feet long - on Epistle and Gospel side walls of
The Precious Blood Monastery, Brooklyn, N. Y. )