is carried by the Confraternity Members in a League of
Novena Prayer.
NOVENA means any nine consecutive days or nine consecutive
Fridays of prayer for one’s personal and Confraternity intentions.
MEDAL shows Jesus shedding His Blood on the Cross ... Mary at left: “Behold,
thy Mother” ... and at right, Joseph: “Go to Joseph.” This medal daily reminds
us to live in the presence of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and to put all our trust in them.
(lndul. 7 years and 280 days)
THIS NOVENA MANUAL has been arranged for Members of the Confraternity of
the Precious Blood. Like the Novena Medal of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, it features
devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus, to Mary Immaculate from whom Jesus
drew the first drops of His Precious Blood and to good St. Joseph, the guardian of
Him, Who redeemed us by His Precious Blood.
On Dec. 8, 1925, our Most Rev. Bishop, Thomas E. Molloy, S. T. D., imparted his
public blessing to the Apostolate of our Confraternity, erected at the Monastery
Chapel of the Cloistered Sisters, Adorers of the Precious Blood. Since that time,
the Monastery Chapel has become, for our members, a pilgrimage center of
devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.
The countless graces received during the Novenas, recall the words of Father
Faber in his book, All for Jesus, written for the Confraternity of the Precious
“It is this Blood which merits all good things for us. I assure you I have sometimes
felt quite nervous as, week after week, we were called upon to read
at the Friday meetings the numerous letters recording the wonderful and
speedy answers which God hath vouchsafed to our prayers.”
We are grateful to Rev. Gerard Ellard, S.J.; Rev. Godfrey Dieckmann, Editor of
Orate Fratres; Rev. Paul Bussard of The Catholic Digest, for the “New Standard”
translation of the Ordinary of the Mass; also to Mr. Arnott J. White for many art
designs. May Jesus, Mary and Joseph, by the merits of the
Precious Blood, bless those who use this Novena Manual!
Rev. Joseph F. Stedman, Director
Confraternity of the Precious Blood
Feast of Our Lady, Mediatrix of All Graces,
May 31, 1929 and 1943.
Imprimatur: Thomas E. Molloy, S. T. D., Bishop of Brooklyn