Thou callest Me, RICH,
yet desirest no part.
Thou callest Me, GOOD,
and yet evil thy ways.
Thou callest Me, ETERNAL,
while wasting thy days.
Thou callest Me, NOBLE,
yet draggest Me down.
Thou callest Me, MIGHTY,
not fearing My frown.
Thou callest Me, JUST,
oh if just then I be!
When I shall condemn thee,
reproach thou not Me.
Nowhere can we better learn the twofold
duty of Catholic Action than
before the Blessed Sacrament, where
Jesus satisfies man’s hunger for a
personal union with God. “He who
eats My Flesh, abides in Me, and I in him.”
Secondly, it is here where Jesus unites
men together in a real social and
mystical union, to work for one another
since “we though many, are one body, all
of us who partake of the one Bread.”
O LORD JESUS, Who hast said, “By this,
will all men know that you are my
disciples, if you have love for one
another,” grant us, we beseech Thee,
an active share in Thine Own zeal for
souls. If I had not been redeemed by
Thee, where would I be at this moment?
What bewildering questions and doubts
would now be afflicting my soul if
Thou hadst not given me the light of
faith? Save me, O Jesus, from that
blinding indifference, praying and
acting merely for my own needs,
while, at my own door, amongst my
own acquaintances there are so many
starved minds in need of Thy Truth; so
many famished hearts in need of Thy
Love. Have mercy on me, O Jesus, and
grant me the grace to rise from my
slumber, and fix deep in my soul such
a personal love for Thee that I may
act always and everywhere for the
salvation of other souls especially in
those works recommended by our Holy
Father, our Bishops and Pastors. Amen.
For a Visit
always in the Tabernacle as a ransom
for my sins, look on me a prisoner too,
bound by my own guilt. O, relieve me
from the shackles of my sins that I may
give myself to the service of Thy Love.
Deliver me from the shackles of my
pride, sweet Jesus, from my vanity, sloth
and anger; melt the stiffness of my will,
break the tyranny of my passions,
open wide the door of my dungeoned
soul and dispel the darkness of my
sins and ignorance.
Have pity, O Divine Prisoner! Have
pity on this poor prisoner. Help me to
escape from sin so that I may always
be with Thee, forever Thy prisoner! My
mind chained by Thy Truth! My will
chained by Thy Law! My heart chained
by Thy Love! Chain me to Thee, living
and dying. And may I die, dear Jesus,
a prisoner in Thy Sacred Heart. Amen.