Mary, brokenhearted, sees Jesus in
agony. Jesus sees her in anguish. O
Mary, inspire me with contrition and
penance for causing such sorrow.
V. Simon Helps To Bear The Load
“Lead me, too, along
Thy road.”
Jesus, Mary, Joseph,
help me walk this
“Living Way.”
Mary, bewildered, sees all refusing to
help Jesus. O Mary, even as I ask
Jesus to help me, may He ever find
me ready in Catholic Action for
home and foreign missions.
VI. On A Cloth He Prints His Face
“In my soul,
Thine image trace.”
Jesus, Mary, Joseph,
help me walk this
“Living Way.”
Mary, calm in grief, sees Veronica
brave the fury of “the crowd.” O Mary,
by the grace of Confirmation, may
I never fear what “the crowd” may
say or think.
VII. Struck To Earth Again By Me
“Help me rise
to follow Thee.”
Jesus, Mary, Joseph,
help me walk this
“Living Way.”
Mary, in pain untold, sees the Cross
crush Jesus, yet He rises. O Mary,
obtain for me the strength to rise
and follow Christ as my Leader.
VIII. Weep For Sin, He Tells Them
“Jesus make my grief
Jesus, Mary, Joseph,
help me walk this
“Living Way.”
Mary, suffering, sees Jesus suffer from
desertion by His own, yet even now He
comforts others. O Mary, fill me with
zeal for the Spiritual Works of Mercy.
IX. Thrice He Falls By Lashes Torn
“In Thy Blood,
I rise reborn.”
Jesus, Mary, Joseph,
help me walk this
“Living Way.”
Mary, crushed in spirit, sees Jesus
helpless, prostrate in the dust. O
Mary, lest I fall again, help me to
prepare worthily and make proper
thanksgiving at Confession and
X. Stripping Christ, They Tear His
“Help me tear
my flesh from sin.”
Jesus, Mary, Joseph,
help me walk this
“Living Way.”
Mary, torn from Christ, sees Him torn
from the robe She made for Him. O
Mary, strip me from all that stains
my baptismal robe!
XI. In His Hands They Drive The
“In Thy Hands,
I cannot fail.”
Jesus, Mary, Joseph,
help me walk this
“Living Way.”