ETERNAL FATHER, I unite myself with the intentions and affections of Our Lady
of Sorrows on Calvary and I offer Thee the Sacrifice which Thy Beloved Son,
Jesus, made of Himself on the Cross, and now renews on this holy Altar:
First: To adore Thee and give Thee the honor which is due to Thee, confessing Thy
supreme dominion over all things and the absolute dependence of everything
upon Thee, Thou Who art our One and last end.
Second: To thank Thee for innumerable benefits received.
Third: To appease Thy Justice irritated by so many sins, and to make satisfaction
for them.
Fourth: To implore grace and mercy for myself, for ... (name), for all afflicted
and sorrowing, for all poor sinners, and for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.
( 300 days indul.)
Direction of The Intention
I intend to assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the
Mass, and to receive the Body and Blood of
Our Lord Jesus Christ, according to the rite of
the holy Roman Church, to the praise of
Almighty God and of the whole Court of Heaven;
for my benefit, and that of the whole Church
on earth; for all those who have commended
themselves unto my prayers, in general and in
particular; and for the happy estate of the holy
Roman Church. Amen.
Joy with peace, amendment of life, time for true
repentance, the grace and comfort of the Holy
Ghost, perseverance in good works, a contrite
and humble heart, and a happy consummation
of my life, grant unto me, O Almighty and
merciful God. Amen.