LET NOT the partaking of Thy Body,
O Lord Jesus Christ, which I, all
unworthy, make bold to receive, turn
to my judgment and condemnation,
but by reason of Thy loving kindness,
may it be to me a safeguard of both soul
and body, and an effective remedy.
Who livest and reignest with God the
Father in the union of the Holy Ghost,
God, world without end. Amen.
Priest genuflects, takes Host
and says:
I will take the Bread of Heaven, and
call upon the name of the Lord.
(Priest strikes breast and
says 3 times):
LORD, I am not worthy that Thou
shouldst come under my roof; but
only say the word and my soul will be
Bell rings thrice
May the Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ
keep my soul unto life everlasting.
Priest receives sacred Host; pauses
and reflects on its meaning;
uncovers chalice, genuflects and
with paten, picks up any particles
on corporal.
WHAT RETURN shall I make to the
Lord for all He hath given me? I will
take the chalice of salvation, and I
will call upon the name of the Lord.
Praising, I will call upon the Lord and
I shall be saved from my enemies.
May the Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ
keep my soul unto life everlasting.
Priest receives the Precious Blood.
When the faithful receive,
Priest lifts up a sacred Host,
turns and says:
the Lamb of God;
behold Him Who
taketh away the
sins of the world.
Lord, I am not
worthy that Thou
shouldst come
under my roof;
but only say the
word and my
soul will be
(Repeat three times)
Bell rings thrice.
After bell rings, priest places Host
on communicant’s tongue and says:
May the Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ
keep thy soul unto life everlasting.
Amen. (lf you do not receive Jesus
sacramentally, ask Him to come
Priest closes tabernacle,
rinses chalice with wine
WHAT HAS PASSED our lips as food,
O Lord, may we possess in purity of
heart, that what is given us in time be
our healing for eternity.
After consuming wine from rinsed
chalice, priest goes to Epistle Side,
where wine and water are poured
over fingers, while saying:
MAY THY BODY, O Lord, which I have
eaten, and Thy Blood, which I have
drunk, cleave unto my very soul, and
grant that no trace of sin be found in me,
whom these pure and holy mysteries
have renewed. Who livest and reignest
world without end. Amen.