I acknowledge Thee as
Universal King. All that has
been made, was created for
Thee. Exercise over me all
the rights that Thou hast.
I RENEW my Baptismal
Promises, renouncing Satan,
his pomps and his works,
and I promise to live as a
good Christian. Especially,
do I pledge myself, by all
the means in my power, to
bring about the triumph of
the rights of God and of Thy Church.
DIVINE HEART of Jesus, I consecrate
all my poor actions to the cause of
Thy Kingship that all hearts may
recognize Thee, their Ruler, and thus
establish the Kingdom of Thy Peace in
all the world. Amen.
(Plenary indul. usual conditions:
Confession, Communion, Prayers
for Holy Father’s intentions.)
Dear Lord,
I pray Thy Hand to take
my body, broken now for Thee!
Accept the sacrifice I make,
Oh, Body, broken once for me!
MOST SWEET JESUS, come near to us,
Thy children! Receive from our hands
that crown which those who are but
dust of earth, try to seize from Thee.
Enter now in triumph among us, Thy
fervent followers!
Hail, Christ, Our King!
Lawmakers may break the tables of
Thy Law, but whilst they lose their
thrones and are forgotten, we, Thy
subjects, will continue to salute Thee.
Hail, Christ, Our King!
They have said that Thy GOSPEL is
out-of-date, that it hinders
progress, and must no
longer be considered. They
who say this soon disappear
into obscurity and are
forgotten; whilst we, who
adore Thee, continue to
salute Thee.
Hail, Christ, Our King!
The proud, the worldly,
those who possess unlawful
riches and thirst for riches,
honors and pleasures alone,
declaring Thy moral law to
be for past ages, will be
hurled against the Rock of Calvary
and Thy Church and falling, will be
reduced to dust, and sink into oblivion;
whilst we, Thy followers, continue to
salute Thee.
Hail, Christ, Our King!
Those who seek the dawn of a material
civilization, divorced from God, will
surely die, poisoned by their own false
doctrine, deserted and cursed by their
own children whilst we, who would con
sole Thee, will continue to salute Thee.
Hail, Christ, Our King!
Yes, hail to Thee, O Christ, Our King! Put
to flight Lucifer, the fallen angel of darkness,
from our homes, schools and
society, force him and his agents into
Hell, chain him there everlastingly whilst
we, Thy friends, continue to salute Thee.
Hail, Christ, Our King!
Prayer for COURAGE
DEAREST LORD, teach me to be
generous; teach me to serve Thee as
Thou deservest to give and not to count
the cost, to fight and not to heed the
wound, to toil and not to seek for rest,
to labor and not to seek reward, save
that of feeling that I do Thy Will.
(St. Ignatius)