O ETERNAL FATHER, I beseech Thee,
watch over our beloved ones in the
armed services of our Country. Do Thou
recall how they were once reborn in the
baptismal font as Thy children and how
later they were confirmed as soldiers of
Thy Son, Jesus Christ. May they ever
salute Him as their Commander-in-Chief
and, with Him, march shoulder to
Shoulder unto final Victory. Give them
such a strong faith that no human fear
may ever cause them to betray their
Baptismal Vows and Confirmation
Pledge. O Mother Mary, thou who
didst raise thy Son to be our Soldier,
show thyself a Mother unto them now
and at the hour of their death. Amen.
O KING OF PEACE, Thou Who didst shed
Thy Precious Blood that all men might
live as brothers in loving harmony, we
humbly prostrate ourselves before Thee
to deplore our many sins of revolt
against Thee and our neighbor. In Thy
Mercy, O Lord, we implore Thee to
inspire each and all of us to observe Thy
Commandments and the teachings of
Thy Gospel, to inspire our rulers also
to heed the wise and fatherly counsels
of our Holy Father the Pope, Thy
representative on earth, so that peace
may again be enjoyed by men of good
will and greater glory be given to Thee.
PRAY for the DYING
Today, countless souls will die. Pray
now for those dying. Tomorrow will
be too late. This daily practice, so
simple and so helpful should appeal
to every Catholic. One soul saved each
day means 365 each year. What a
rich harvest of souls to present
unto God! What a rich harvest of
prayers they will offer for your soul
when you, too, are in need!
MOST MERCIFUL JESUS, Lover of souls,
I pray Thee, by the agony of Thy most
Sacred Heart, and by the sorrows of
Thine Immaculate Mother, cleanse in
Thine Own Blood the sinners of the
whole world who are now in their agony
and who are to die this day. Amen.
HEART OF JESUS, once in agony,
have pity on the dying!
(100 days indul.)