P May Almighty God have mercy
upon you, forgive you your sins, and
bring you to life everlasting. R Amen.
P May the Almighty and Merciful
God grant us pardon, absolution and
full remission of our sins. R Amen.
P Thou wilt turn, O God, and bring
us to life. R And Thy people shall
rejoice in Thee.
P Show us, O Lord, Thy mercy.
R And grant us Thy salvation.
P O Lord, hear my prayer.
R And let my cry come unto Thee.
P The Lord be with you.
R And with thy spirit.
P Let us pray.
Priest goes up to the Altar,
saying privately:
TAKE FROM US our sins, O Lord, that
we may enter with pure minds into
the holy of holies. Through Christ Our
Lord. Amen.
Priest kisses relic stone and says:
WE BESEECH THEE, O Lord, by the
merits of Thy Saints whose relics lie
here, and of all the saints, deign in Thy
mercy to pardon me all my sins. Amen.
Priest goes to
Epistle side:
(Apoc. 5, 9-10 )
THOU HAST redeemed
us for God with Thy
Blood, out of every tribe and tongue and
people and nation, and hast made them
for our God a kingdom. The mercies
of the Lord I will sing forever: I will
speak forth Thy Truth with my mouth
from generation to generation. Glory
be, etc. Thou hast, etc.
(Repeated as far as )
After Introit, priest returns to
middle of Altar, and he and
Altar boy alternately say:
Lord, have mercy on us. (3 times)
Christ, have mercy on us. (3 times)
Lord, have mercy on us. (3 times)
(Omitted when black or violet
vestments are worn)
GLORY TO GOD in the highest, and on
earth peace to men of good will. We
praise Thee. We bless Thee. We adore
Thee. We glorify Thee. We give Thee
thanks for Thy great glory. O Lord
God, heavenly King, God the Father
Almighty; O Lord Jesus Christ, the onlybegotten
Son; Lord God, Lamb of God.
Son of the Father, Who takest away
sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Who takest away the sins of the world,
receive our prayer. Who sittest at the
right hand of the Father, have mercy
on us. For Thou alone art holy. Thou
alone art Lord. Thou alone, O Jesus
Christ, art most high. Together with
the Holy Ghost, in the glory of God
the Father. Amen.
Priest kisses Altar stone,
turns to people and says:
P The Lord be with you.
R And with thy spirit.
Priest now goes to Epistle side:
P Let us pray.
didst appoint Thine only-begotten Son
the Redeemer of the world, and didst
will to be appeased by His Blood; grant
we beseech Thee that we may so honor,
by our solemn service, this, the price
of our redemption, and by its virtue
be so defended from the evils of our