of blessed Joseph, Spouse of the same
Virgin, and of Thy blessed Apostles
and Martyrs, Peter and Paul, Andrew,
James, John, Thomas, James, Philip,
Bartholomew, Matthew, Simon and
Thaddeus; of Linus, Cletus, Clement,
Sixtus, Cornelius, Cyprian, Lawrence,
Chrysogonus, John and Paul, Cosmas
and Damian, and of all Thy Saints, by
whose merits and prayers grant that
we may be always fortified by the help
of Thy protection. Through the same
Christ our Lord. Amen.
Before Consecration
Priest spreads hands
over the offerings.
The bell is rung once.
GRACIOUSLY accept, then, we beseech
Thee, O Lord, this service of our worship
and that of all Thy household.
Provide that our days be spent in Thy
peace, save us from everlasting damnation,
and cause us to be numbered
in the flock Thou hast chosen. Through
Christ Our Lord. Amen.
DO THOU, O GOD, deign to bless what
we offer, and make it approved ,
effective , right and wholly pleasing
in every way, that it may be for our
good, the Body and the Blood of
Thy dearly beloved Son, Jesus Christ
Our Lord.
WHO, the day before He suffered, took
bread into His holy and venerable
Hands, and having raised His eyes to
Heaven, unto Thee, O God, His Father
almighty, giving thanks to Thee,
blessed , broke it, and gave it to His
disciples, saying: Take ye all and eat
of this:
For This is My BODY!
Priest genuflects,
elevates Host.
Bell rings thrice
LOOK at the sacred
Host and devoutly
“My Lord
and my God.”
(7 years,
280 days indul.)
IN LIKE MANNER, when the supper was
done, taking also this goodly chalice
into His holy and venerable hands,
again giving thanks to Thee, He blessed
it and gave it to His disciples, saying:
Take ye all, and drink of this:
For this is the chalice of My Blood of
the New and Eternal Covenant: the
mystery of Faith, which shall be
shed for you and for many unto the
forgiveness of sins. As often as you
shall do these things, in memory of Me
shall you do them. Priest genuflects,
elevates chalice.
Bell rings thrice
Look at the chalice and devoutly say:
“We beseech Thee, therefore,
help Thy servants, whom
Thou hast redeemed with
Thy Precious Blood.”
(300 days indul.)
After Consecration
Priest extends hands and continues:
MINDFUL, therefore, O Lord, not only
of the blessed Passion of the same
Christ, Thy Son, Our Lord, but also of
His Resurrection from the dead, and