Grant, O Lord, that I may know Thy
Will and do it! (300 days indul.)
My God, I love Thee! (300 days indul.)
O Jesus, save me! (300 days indul.)
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I put my trust
in Thee! (300 days indul.)
Mother of Mercy, pray for us!
(300 days indul.)
Merciful Lord Jesus, give them (him/
her) everlasting rest! (300 days
indul., applicable to the dead).
Join the Crusade for Purity!
Lust kills love, human and Divine. It
is a chief cause of war here, misery
BY THINE Immaculate Conception,
O Mary, make my body pure and my
soul holy!
(Three times, followed each time
by a Hail Mary - 300 days indul.)
My Mother, keep me this day from
mortal sin. (Hail Mary three times.)
(200 days indul.)
Gratitude for Daily Food:
Before Meals: Bless us, O Lord, and
these Thy gifts, which we are about to
receive from Thy bounty, and be Thou
the eternal food of our souls, through
Christ Our Lord. Amen.
After Meals: We give Thee thanks,
O Almighty God, for all Thy benefits,
Who livest and reignest now and
forever. Amen. May the souls of the
faithful departed,
through the mercy
of God, rest in peace.
your Scapular!
Matrimony: Jesus has promised
to bless the house where an image
of His Sacred Heart is exposed and
honored. Once a week, set a time,
when the family gathers together,
at mealtime or at Evening Prayers,
and recite this:
O JESUS, behold our family prostrate
before Thee. Once more, do we
consecrate ourselves to Thee - our
trials and joys - that our home, like
Thine, may ever be the shrine of
peace, purity, love, labor and faith.
Do Thou protect and bless all of us,
absent and present, living and dead.
O MARY, loving Mother of Jesus and
our Mother, pray to Jesus for our
family, for all the families of the
world, to guard the cradle of the newborn,
the schools of the young and
their vocations.
O JOSEPH, holy Guardian of Jesus and
Mary, assist us by thy prayers in all the
necessities of life. Ask of Jesus that
special grace which He granted to
thee, to watch over our home at the
pillow of the sick and the dying, so
that with Mary and with thee, Heaven
may find our family unbroken in the
Sacred Heart of Jesus. Amen.
Recite with family each first Friday.