3. 1120 - middle flower petals
4. 199 - middle flowers shading
5. Placement Stitch - then place bunny
chest appliqué
6. Tacking Stitch - then trim bunny chest
7. Placement Stitch - then place bunny
head and feet appliqué
8. Tacking Stitch - then trim bunny head
and feet appliqué
9. 850 - bunny chest light shading
10. 720 - bunny head and feet light shading
11. 737 - bunny head and feet dark shading
12. 720 - bunny chest dark shading
13. 767 - bunny nose
14. 850 - whites of eye
15. 391 - iris color
16. Placement Stitch - then place heart
17. Tacking Stitch - then trim heart appliqué
18. 1120 - heart light shading
19. 199 - heart dark shading
20. 456 - bunny and heart outlines
21. 245 - middle flower stems and leaves
22. 245 - left flower stems
23. 502 - left flower petals
24. 622 - lower flower petals
25. 663 - lower flower petals shading
26. 521 - lower flower centers
A Size: 7.7” x 8.4” (Stitches: 22463)
B Size: 5.7” x 6.2” (Stitches: 17851)
C Size: 4.3” x 4.7” (Stitches: 14238)
1. 245 - background grass
2. Placement Stitch - then place right
bunny appliqué
3. Tacking Stitch - then trim right bunny
4. Placement Stitch - then place left bunny
5. Tacking Stitch - then trim left bunny
6. 720 - right bunny medium shading
7. 483 - left bunny light shading
8. 486 - left bunny dark shading
9. 850 - right bunny light shading
10. 4321 - right bunny dark shading
11. 734 - right bunny darkest shading
12. 767 - both bunnies cheek blush, ear
shading, and noses
13. 850 - both bunnies whites of eyes
14. 391 - both bunnies iris color
15. 486 - both bunnies outlines
16. 023 - hearts
17. 244 - foreground grass
A Size: 7.7” x 10.1” (Stitches: 28315)
B Size: 5.7” x 7.5” (Stitches: 20910)
C Size: 4.3” x 5.6” (Stitches: 15863)
1. 245 - background grass
2. Placement Stitch - then place envelope
3. Tacking Stitch - then trim envelope
4. Placement Stitch - then place bunny
5. Tacking Stitch - then trim bunny appliqué
6. 521 - envelope fill
7. 502 - envelope dark shading
8. 486 - envelope seal
9. 023 - envelope seal heart
10. 850 - bunny light shading
11. 720 - bunny dark shading
12. 720 - bunny dark shading
13. 850 - whites of eye
14. 391 - iris color
15. 767 - bunny lip shading
16. 767 - cheek blush and ear shading
17. 7986 - bunny and envelope outlines
18. 244 - foreground grass
19. 663 - flower petals light shading
20. 622 - flower petals dark shading
A Size: 7.7” x 8.9” (Stitches: 32968)
B Size: 5.7” x 6.6” (Stitches: 23190)
C Size: 4.3” x 4.9” (Stitches: 16873)
1. 259 - background grass
2. Placement Stitch - then place bunny
3. Tacking Stitch - then trim bunny appliqué
4. 850 - bunny light shading
5. 4321 - bunny medium shading
6. 483 - bunny dark shading
7. 180 - bunny ear shading
8. 900 - bunny outline
9. 145 - flower petals
10. 190 - flower petals dark shading
11. 1120 - flower petals light shading
12. 245 - flower stems, leaves, and
foreground grass
A Size: 8.0” x 7.7” (Stitches: 26419)
B Size: 5.9” x 5.7” (Stitches: 20371)
C Size: 4.3” x 4.3” (Stitches: 15991)
1. Placement Stitch - then place right
bunny appliqué
2. Tacking Stitch - then trim right bunny
3. Placement Stitch - then place left bunny
4. Tacking Stitch - then trim left bunny
5. 734 - right bunny medium shading
6. 809 - left bunny light shading
7. 734 - right bunny medium shading
8. 745 - right bunny dark shading
9. 778 - right bunny darkest shading
10. 720 - right bunny light shading
11. 743 - left bunny dark shading
12. 741 - left bunny medium shading
13. 180 - both bunnies noses and cheek
14. 850 - both bunnies eyes
15. 778 - both bunnies eye shading
16. 7986 - both bunnies outlines
17. 259 - flower crown leaves
18. 501 - flower petals
19. 199 - flower petals shading
20. 7986 - flower center
21. 245 - foreground grass
22. 180 - heart
The threads listed for this collection
are ThreadNanny metallic
embroidery threads.
One Size: 2.5” x 6.5” (Stitches: 15274)
1. Placement Stitch - then place batting
2. Tacking Stitch - then trim batting and
place base fabric
3. Tacking Stitch - then trim base fabric
4. Placement Stitch - then place purple
5. Tacking Stitch - then trim purple
6. Purple Metallic - satin stitch for appliqué
7. Green Metallic - leaves